Contact us

If you want to help us and make donations Do not hesitate to contact us and write to us for more information about our work

Donating online

You can contribute online by visiting our website and making a secure donation. Every dollar counts and makes a difference in the lives of the children we serve.

Donate by Cheque

If you prefer to make a donation by cheque, please send your contribution to Haitian Hope, Inc.
193 Old Coach Road
Nicholasville. Ky. 40356
502 229-5455


Donating an Person

We also welcome donations in person at our location in Mirebalais, Haiti. This is an opportunity to see directly the positive impact of your support on the community.

Fond cheval,dubois, Mirebalais , Haït

Tel:50936722145/+1 (502) 229-5455